Lucius' Revolutionary Approach to Mortality Trend Detection

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the ability to detect and act upon subtle deviations in clinical outcomes can be the difference between life and death. Enter Lucius, the startup with a ground-breaking method to save lives. This two-pager summarizes the main take-aways from the recently completed white paper “Detection of hidden mortality trends with Lucius”.

<aside> ⚡ 2x Sensitivity to adverse events


<aside> 🩺 Realtime enabling super-fast reaction


Lucius’ Ultra-Sensitivity to Unwarranted Outcomes

Trained on the GOSSIS dataset from 147 U.S. hospitals with 91,714 patient records, the Lucius AI model has consistently outperformed other dedicated AI models in relevant metrics.

Moreover, the real magic lies in Lucius' unparalleled sensitivity to unwarranted outcomes. Lucius’ compares the AI outcome predictions with the actual outcomes and feeds this data into industrial monitoring methods. This means that quality monitoring is risk-adjusted and objective. In simulations across 40 hospitals Lucius’ technology was able to detect unwarranted mortality clusters after an average of just 1.8 “deceased” patients.

One Example of Many: Hospital #019

Hospital #019 reports a below average 3.4% mortality rate. Yet, Lucius' monitoring reveals the deceased patients were low-risk. Three such patients died in a short period. Lucius would have detected this in real-time, unlike standard statistics.



“Clinical quality monitoring with high school statistics is not the way forward. The solutions are already here; so, let‘s deploy them and save lives.“

– Maximilian Schoenberg, Lucius Founder and CEO

Mortality Rates Do Not Tell the Whole Story

Mortality rates, often assessed yearly, offer a limited view of patient outcomes. Traditional cross-sectional analyses, like the 95th percentile, can miss early warning signs. Lucius sequential approach is the future, detecting subtle deviations in real-time.

Even More Future Potential for Clinics and Industry

As more hospitals integrate with Lucius, its predictive power will expand. Multi-centric models for risk adjustment are the future of clinical quality analytics. Additionally, for MedTech, Lucius is offering precise, risk-adjusted analytics that show the impact of a new device or procedure.


<aside> 📄 Contact Max to promptly receive the full copy of the white paper → [email protected]


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Maximilian Schoenberg (CEO)

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Mathias Kim (CTO)

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PD Dr. Markus Schoenberg (Chief Medical Officer)

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Sakis Karampalis (Chief AI Officer)

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